Hour 6 Ayurveda

Ekadasha indriya

Hour 7 Online Yoga Life
  1. Indriyas means sense organs.
  2. Sense organs are the tools to attain knowledge as per Ayurveda.
  3. The term Indriya is derived from the root word ‘Indra’ – meaning Atma or soul.
  4. Therefore, it is the Soul or Atma that gains the knowledge with the help of sense organs.
  5. Indriyas is the source or the means through which the Atma or Soul experiences the knowledge of sense objects.
Classification of Indriyas
  1. Five Gnaana Indriya (Sensory function)
  2. Five Karma Indriya (Motor function)
  3. One Ubhaya Indriya or Ubhaya Atmaka – Manas ( Both sensory and motor function)
Gnaana Indriyas (Sensory organs)
  • Gnaana Indriyas are also called Buddhi Indriyas because knowledge (Buddhi) is embedded in these Indriyas.
  • They help in perceiving the knowledge of sense objects from the environment.
1. Shrotra (Ears):
  • Responsible for hearing.
  • It helps in communication and understanding sounds.
2. Tvak (Skin):
  • Responsible for the sense of touch
  • Enables to perceive temperature, texture, and pressure.
3. Chakshu (Eyes):
  • Responsible for vision
  • Enables to perceive light, colors, and shapes.
4. Jihva (Tongue):
  • Responsible for the sense of taste perception.
  • Enables to experience flavors like sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent, and pungent.
5. Ghrana (Nose):
  • Responsible for the smell.
  • Enables to detect odours and influences our tastes and emotions.
hour 6 ayurveda 1 1 Online Yoga Life
Karma Indriyas (Motor Organs)

These are the organs of action that enable us to interact with the environment.

  • Vak (Speech): The ability to speak and communicate.
  • Pani (Hands): Responsible for grasping, holding, and manipulation.
  • Pada (Feet): Facilitate movement and support our body.
  • Payu (Excretory Organ): Involved in elimination and waste management.
  • Upastha (Reproductive Organs): Responsible for reproduction and sexual functions.
Ubhaya Indriya or Ubhaya Atmaka (Manas-Mind)
  • Ubhaya means both.
  • Ubhaya Indriya is both sensory and motor in function.
  • It is associated with sensory organs when sensory perception takes place and associated with motor organs when motor activities take place.
  • It is one in number and it is ‘Mind or Manas’
  • The mind plays a pivotal role in cognition, emotions, and decision-making.
  • It integrates the information received from the sense organs and helps in interpreting experiences.
hour 6 ayurveda 2 1 Online Yoga Life
Relationship between  five major elements and Senses [Boutikatwa of Indriyas]

Each Indriya is made up of 5 major elements but predominant of one Mahabhuta.

  1. Eyes (Chakshu) –  FIRE (Agni Mahabhuta)
  2. Ears (Srotra) – ETHER (Akasha Mahabhuta)
  3. Nose (Ghrana) – Earth (Prithvi Mahabhuta)
  4. Tongue (Jihva ) – Water(Jala Mahabhuta)
  5. Skin (Twak) – Air (Vayu Mahabhuta)


  • Indriyas is the medium through which we see, feel, and sense the whole creation.
  • They are the tools through which one can attain knowledge of the sense objects.
  • There are 11 senses in total (5 sense organs, 5 motor organs, 1 dual role)
  • Each Indriya is made up of 5 fundamental elements with a predominance of 1 element.
  • In essence, the eleven senses in Ayurveda offer a comprehensive understanding of human perception, cognition, and consciousness.
  • They highlight the interconnectedness of the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of the individual and emphasize the need for balance in our perceptions and actions.
  • Maintaining the health of these senses is vital for overall well-being, enabling us to engage fully with our environment and experience life to its fullest potential.