The doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are responsible for maintaining the health of the body when in balance. Foods and activities that have qualities similar to these doshas can, however, lead to an increase or imbalance (vitiation) of the doshas. Once vitiated, the doshas start to cause damage instead of maintaining health.
When we indulge in foods and activities that have similar qualities to the doshas, these doshas become imbalanced. According to the concept of Ashraya-Ashrayi Bhava, the doshas reside in the tissues (dhatus). When they are imbalanced, they get lodged in the dhatus and begin to damage them.
Srotas, the channels in the body, acts as the transport system for the dhatus, circulating them throughout the body. When the dhatus are damaged due to the imbalanced doshas, they circulate through the srotas and start damaging the channels as well. This leads to both structural and functional damage to the srotas.
Symptoms of Srotodushti
Ati Pravritti (Excessive Flow): There is an abnormal increase in the flow or discharge through the channels.
Sanga (Obstruction): Blockages or obstructions occur in the channels, leading to poor circulation.
Sira Granti (Mass Formation): The formation of masses such as tumors or cysts in the body, disrupting normal functioning.
Vimarga Gamana (Opposite Flow): The flow in the channels moves in the wrong or opposite direction, causing abnormal movement of substances in the body.
The imbalance of doshas caused by inappropriate foods and activities results in the vitiation of srotas, leading to diseases and health issues due to these structural and functional damages in the body’s transport system.
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