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Natural Ways to Control Hypertension ; Yoga for Heart Health

Kritika Bairagi | October 5th, 2024

    1. Introduction
    2. Understanding High Blood Pressure
    3. Conventional treatments and traditional remedies
    4. Role of Yoga in Management of High Blood Pressure
    5. Diet and Nutrition for Hypertension Management
    6. Bring Yoga into Your Life
    7. Conclusion

    One of the most pressing concerns for people in today’s world is Heart Health, and one of the most common cardiovascular diseases is hypertension or high blood pressure. Millions around the globe suffer from hypertension, which can creep up on them in silence, with no overt signs at its onset, but over time it threatens to cause serious ailments such as stroke, heart attack, and kidney disease.

    While medical treatments and lifestyle changes are a good bet for treatment, a holistic approach in managing high blood pressure would really intensify wellness-and Yoga provides an intense and natural way of doing it.

    What Is Hypertension? Hypertension is the condition when the force of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries stays too high over time. Blood pressure is measured in two values: systolic and diastolic. Systolic measures the pressure in the heart when it beats, and diastolic measures pressure when the heart rests between beats. A normal reading would be around 120/80 mmHg. Hypertension is diagnosed when this value surpasses 120/80 mmHg in the long run.

    What Causes Hypertension? The cause of hypertension can vary as it is not attributed to a single cause but mostly a combination of lifestyles, genetics, or other underlying health conditions. A number of the more common causes include:

    Unhealthy diet: Eating diets that contain high salt, processed foods, and high amounts of sugar increase the risk for hypertension.

    Lack of physical activity: A sedentary lifestyle leads to poor circulation and hence contributes to high blood pressure.

    One of the common causes of high blood pressure is stress. This is because it causes the production of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline that increase the rate at which the heart functions.

    Smoking and alcohol: All these bad habits damage your arteries, narrowing them, leading to the increase in pressure.

    Obesity: Any excess weight forces the heart to work more hard to pump blood, hence increasing the pressure on the artery walls.

    Genetics: Family history also determines susceptibility to hypertension.

    After someone has developed high blood pressure, the medications are initiated by the pills prescribed by the doctor. Some of these prescribe drugs regularly used in dealing with hypertension include:

    ACE inhibitors and ARBs: Their function entails the dilation of blood vessels.

    Beta-blockers: They decrease the heart rate and its work.

    Diuretics: They help to reduce sodium levels within the body in the hopes of reducing pressure.

    Calcium channel blockers: Prevent calcium from entering heart and blood vessel cells, leading to the vessels relaxing.

    These treatments provide relief to some extent but lead to side effects that have offset the effectiveness of these remedies: dizziness, fatigue, or predisposition to other complications. Thus, an adjunct approach would be to introduce Yoga as an alternative solution to hypertension and balance heart health in general.

    Yoga, therefore, follows all physical, psychological and emotional needs of hypertension. Through practice, it is believed that one could even control and reduce the high blood pressure through Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breathwork), Kriyas (cleansing techniques), meditation, and mindful eating.

    1. Yoga asanas provide multiple benefits ranging from physical and emotional wellbeing to increased energy levels, Some poses are very ideal for hypertension patients as they increase blood circulation, soothe the nervous system, and cut down stress levels – all a prescription for health for the heart.

    Tadasana (Mountain Pose): This is the foundational stance that helps correct the whole posture by maintaining blood flow smoothly around the body while at the same time soothing your mind.

    yoga pose for hypertension

    Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): It brings balance and calmness while improving concentration, thereby reducing stress levels.

    yoga pose for hypertension

    Setu Bandhasana: Reaches up the torso and lungs, so it encourages cardiovascular health while easing back and neck muscles.

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    Shavasana:This is the pose that everyone ignores too much. Shavasana leads to deep relaxation, lowers pressure, and helps manage blood pressure.

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    Viparita Karani: This restorative pose reverses the blood flow to support circulation and calms the mind.

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    Sukhasana: This is the proper seat for meditation and breathwork. This is one very simple seated forward bend that can help one develop his or her mindfulness and quiet the internal self.

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    For asanas to control stress & anxiety learn more.

    2. Pranayama for High Blood Pressure Equilibrium in breathing has to be maintained while meeting high blood pressure as it directly affects the pulse and nervous system. Pranayama practice relaxes blood vessels and increases oxygen flow to the heart.

    Alternate Nostril Breathing (Anulom Vilom): It brings a balance to the autonomic nervous system and reduces stress so that blood pressure can be balanced.

    Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath): This helps relax into a meditative state, with an added soothing hum that silences the mind and has an effect on lowering blood pressure.

    Sheetali Pranayama (Cooling Breath): It cools down the body and provides relief to the nervous system, thus reducing hypertension.

    3. Purification and Cardiovascular Health: Purification practices Kriyas are the best methods of detoxifying the body, thus leading to better cardiovascular health and the resultant management of blood pressure.

    Jal Neti : Cleanses nasal passages for easier breathing, thus nourishing a calm nervous system.

    Kapalbhati: This is yet another more advanced breathing technique in the set that cleanses the respiratory system and increases lung capacity, thus aiding for good oxygenation of the blood.

    4. Emotional Balance through Meditation The mind is the primary organ for stress management, and it usually dictates high blood pressure. If you meditate regularly, you will reduce various responses to stress in your body and begin to regulate hypertension naturally.

    Also read for stress management ;

    Mindfulness Meditation. Being present here and now reduces worry and anxiety, lowers stress hormone levels, and brings down blood pressure.

    Also read; To know more about benefits of yoga for Mind and Body

    Loving-Kindness Meditation: This activity promotes good feelings, releasing happy hormones such as oxytocin that will calm the heart even in lowering hypertension

    Chanting OM: The vibration that is created when one chants OM brings down the heart rate and blood pressure and calms the body and the mind.

    Nutrition, to a large extent, takes care of heart health in Yoga. Diet will therefore prevent or improve conditions of high blood pressure.

    Sodium reduction diet: Salts should be taken at its minimum levels while taking intake for the control of hypertension. Natural, unprocessed foods are the best.

    High fiber diet: Include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to promote digestive health to help control blood pressure.

    Healthy fats: Include healthy fats like those in avocados, nuts, and olive oil to regulate cholesterol levels.

    Potassium-rich foods: Potassium keeps sodium under control, and hence, keeps your level in check. So you can load up on bananas, sweet potatoes, spinach and other food.

    Hydration: Make sure you are well hydrated with adequate water; this will help keep your kidneys in optimum working condition to ascertain blood pressure.

    Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol: Both tend to elevate blood pressure-keep them in check or avoid them altogether.

    Management of hypertension requires regular holistic practice of Yoga. Daily mindful Asanas, breath work, and meditation help reduce stress and improve cardiac health. That being said, conscious eating practices in tune with Yogic philosophy lead to better heart health.

    At Online Yoga Life, our online course on Online Teacher Training ; The ultimate guide for becoming certified yoga trainer, has multiple modules in which we talk about yoga as an art of healing science where we teach our student to use yogic technique for disease problems like hypertension. Our holistic approach will train aspiring yoga teachers and enable them to help others through holistic practices in the management of diseases.

    Whether you’re looking at training for personal education or want to help others naturally achieve better heart health, our training program is your ideal setting. Modules taken in specialization for Yoga therapy include intensive practices that can help you on your self-management plan with regard to your health and well-being-or that of someone else’s.

    High blood pressure is a serious condition and needs a thoughtful and all-rounded approach. Although pharmaceutical companies have the answers, the addition of Yoga into your life offers long-term benefits to your heart and being. Through the techniques of Asanas, breathwork, meditation, and a diet healthy for the heart, Yoga creates a natural approach to lowering hypertension to live a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Whether the pursuit is about high blood pressure in oneself or people around, this is a powerful, sustainable path toward applying Yoga for heart health.

    Learn more about using Yoga as a therapeutic tool in our online yoga classes. For more details check out our website at www.onlineyogalife.com where you can also find our Online Teacher Training Course, where we explore the potential for yoga to positively influence cardiovascular health and so much more.

    10 steps big Online Yoga Life

    Certified Yoga Instructor: Conquer the 10 Steps Path

    Kritika Bairagi | July 16th, 2024

    Certified Yoga Instructor: Conquer the 10 Steps Path

    Do you feel like you want to go deeper with your yoga practice? Ever considered becoming a certified yoga instructor? If this is where you are wondering where to start then read on because this journey is exhilarating and transformational. It’s not about mastering the asanas, but opening into the philosophy of yoga and sharing that wisdom with others. While you may feel overwhelmed by the process, don’t worry-we’re here for you at every step.

    Step 1: Regular yoga practice

    And before you become a teacher, you have to become a dedicated student. No, twisting into pretzels or balancing on one’s head is a requirement, but you do require a good sense of the foundational poses and principles. Take classes regularly, branch out in styles, and practice at home. Throw in some “yoga pants” selfies, too; you’re an influencer at this point!

    Step 2: Commitment to getting qualified as a certified yoga instructor

    And it definitely won’t be a hobby, it will be a serious commitment of your time, energy, and often, your money. You’re committing to the journey, so you must be sure you’re ready. It’s not about the destination, remember? It’s about the journey, and what a journey it is! A little like a path to enlightenment with rather more sweat and possibly some awkward moments along the way. 

    Step 3: Select your training program

    Not all Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) programs are equal. Seek out an internationally recognized program like the ones from Yogalife Global, they provide 200 and 500-hour RYT programs that allow for a comprehensive curriculum and personalized instruction. Take your time; it is just like picking a partner: it should feel right for you! 

    Step 4: Find yoga philosophy

    Yoga is so much more than the physical postures. Diving into philosophy using ancient texts and principles of yoga, you ensure when you do complete your training, you have a solid foundation to draw upon in teaching. You’ll learn about ahimsa, or non-violence, and svadhyaya, which means self-study. Ahimsa is incredibly rewarding when you apply it to real life: goodbye, road rage! 

    certified yoga instructor, 10 steps to becoming one

    Once you have settled on a program, it’s time to get wet and steamy! So, get going with your learning and soak it all in. Remember, too, that getting prepared for certified yoga instructor is a lifelong education. You’ll never be done learning even after your training. So, prepare for plenty of “Aha!” moments and maybe even a few “Why did I sign up for this?” moments. All part of the experience!

    Step 6: Become a certified yoga instructor 

    Now that you’ve completed your training, it is time to get ready to be a certified yoga instructor. You’ll need to pass a test and earn teaching hours. Not nearly as intimidating as it sounds! This is like a group project, but you won’t be left carrying the whole load. And even better, you might be able to take the test in your favorite yoga clothes.

    Step 7: Registered with Yoga Alliance

    International recognition with the Yoga Alliance, ah! This will immediately open the doors of teaching certified yoga abroad, considering you teach on a beach in Bali or New York City. Imagine becoming the “yoga instructor who can do downward dog while explaining the ins and outs of the chakras.”

    Step 8: Discuss on

    The best way you’re going to be a good certified yoga teacher is to never stop learning. Seek out workshops, and further educational courses, and continue deepening your practice. As the adage goes, the more you learn, the less you know. And this can lead to some enlightening conversations at dinner parties—”Did you know that the ancient yogis practiced in the dark because they thought it heightened their intuition?” Who needs small talk when you can discuss spiritual enlightenment?

    certified yoga instructor, how to become one

    Step 9: Start teaching

    Teach! Small community class or large studio, just start giving back. Everyone had to be a beginner at one time or another. So don’t worry if you forget a pose or mix the sun salutations. Your students will like it because of its true nature, and if worse comes to worst, you could just “Let’s just flow with it” for any wrong moves. 

    Step 10: Review and fine-tune

    Teaching is a learning exercise. Think about your classes, take feedback, and modify them accordingly. Remember, yoga is a practice, not a performance. The same goes for teaching! Every time you step onto the mat with your students, it’s an opportunity to learn from them as well. After all, they might have some hilarious stories about trying to follow along in class—like the time someone accidentally did a split instead of a lunge! 

    Conclusion: Soak up the experience 

    The path to becoming a certified yoga instructor is, in itself, very rewarding and life-altering. It is not just teaching certified yoga from one day to the next but is about deepening one’s practice and sharing this love with others. You will be part of that global village of yogis committed to spreading peace, love, and well-being. write your thoughts on this blog.

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