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5 Yoga Poses for Beginners to Improve Balance 

Kaushik Mehra | January 10th, 2025

5 Yoga Poses for Beginners to Improve Balance

Let’s talk about balance yoga poses for beginners. You might think the goal is to be still super, but that’s not it. Wobbling is good for you!

When you wobble, your body learns how to stay upright when things get shaky. It’s like a mini-workout for your core and butt muscles. Plus, it helps you get better at catching yourself in real life, like walking on a bumpy sidewalk or someone bumps into you.


Benefits of practicing balance Yoga Poses for Beginners

Yoga is great for your health in general, but balanced yoga poses for beginners are extra special. They can do some cool things for your body and mind. Let’s check out a few reasons why you should try them out.  

Improved Flexibility & Balance 

First off, they make you more flexible and balanced. No surprise there, right? A study showed that college athletes who did yoga twice a week for 10 weeks got way better at balancing and stretching.

Improved Core Strength & Stability 

These yoga poses for beginners also work your core like crazy. Whether you’re standing on one foot or doing a handstand, your middle has to work hard to keep you from falling over.

Better Posture 

Good news for your posture too! Balance poses strengthen the muscles around your abs and back, which helps you stand up straighter. And that’s great for things like digestion and breathing.

Reduced Risk of Injury 

Here’s a big one: balanced poses can help keep you from getting hurt. They make your core stronger, which means you’re less likely to fall if you trip. Plus, they improve your body awareness, so you’re better at catching yourself.

Improved Mental Focus & Resilience  

Lastly, these poses are great for your mind. They teach you to be tough and take risks. Don’t worry if you can’t do these poses perfectly right away. Just keep practicing, and when one starts to feel easier, try a harder version.

So there you have it! Balance poses are more than just standing still. They’re a fun way to challenge yourself and get stronger in body and mind. Why not give them a try in your next yoga session? We at Online Yogalife, teach all types of yoga poses for beginners that are crucial for you at every stage. Which finally helps in building a strong foundation. 

5 Balance Yoga Poses for Beginners You Couldn’t Ignore  

Crescent Lunges 

yoga poses for beginners, yoga pose

The crescent lunges yoga pose also known as Anjaneyasana, is derived from the name of the Hindu goddess Anjani. This yoga pose type is kneeling and the best among any yoga poses for beginners. Practicing it regularly can stretch the hips, hamstrings, and quads. It also helps in strengthening the core. 

How to perform: 

Not all yoga poses force you to stand on one leg. In crescent lunges, putting one leg forward and the other one backward pushes the limits to stabilize one’s core.

Boat Pose 

yoga poses for beginners , yoga pose

The boat yoga pose is also known as Navasana, meaning boat (nava). This is among other yoga poses for beginners that help one in strengthening the core. Why to involve this yoga pose in your routine? A quick word for it is – a stronger core means better balance. 

How to perform: 

Sit on your mat with your knees bent, tighten your back, hips, and thighs, and slightly lean your upper body backward. Slowly lift the feet above the floor. Turn your palms upward and finally straighten your legs forming a V-shaped body. Repeat this yoga pose process a dozen times.

Eagle Pose

yoga poses for beginners, yoga pose

This yoga pose is also known as Garudasana (which means garuda/ eagle). It benefits while stretching on the shoulders, upper back, and hips. Finally improving leg and core strength. 

How to perform: 

Lift your left leg from the floor by keeping both hips pointing forward. Now, cross your left thigh over the right one. To finally complete this yoga pose, bring your arms out in front of you. Cross your arms with your left arm under the right. Bend your elbows and forearms in a manner that goes perpendicular to the floor.

Mountain Pose 

yoga poses for beginners, yoga pose

This is the most common among yoga poses for beginners. Also known as Tadasana (which means mountain/ tada). This helps in strengthening your legs and improving body awareness in total. 

How to perform: 

Firstly, stand straight with your feet parallel. Now lift and spread your toes, then slowly lower them back to the mat. Then bend your knees slightly forward with your naval drawing inward. Finally, lengthen your spine and shoulders down to feel the upper stretch. 

Chair Pose

yoga poses for beginners, yoga pose

This is among those yoga poses for beginners that help strengthen the core of the legs and lower body. Also known as Utkatasana (which means Utkata, i.e. powerful). 

How to perform: 

From Mountain Pose, firstly bend your knees and divide the weight on both legs. Employ your core as you lift your arms over your head, and then slowly draw your shoulders down to complete the yoga pose.


How to balance these yoga poses for beginners to routine? 

Balancing yoga takes time and focus, so don’t rush it. You might feel frustrated when progress is slow, but that’s normal. If you wobble or fall, just try again. Here are some tips for working on balance poses: 

Start Small

When you’re learning balance poses, take it slow. Get comfy with easier poses before trying trickier ones. It’s fine to use props to help you out. 

Going slow lets your muscles get used to balancing. If you try hard poses too soon, you might hurt yourself or do them wrong.

Practice Often

You don’t need to do balance poses every day, but a little practice helps. Try standing on one foot while you brush your teeth, or lift a foot during arm exercises. These quick balance moments can make a big difference.

Warm Up First

Before you do balanced poses, warm up your body. Take a few minutes to stretch, move around, and wake up your core muscles. 

You could do some Sun Salutations or hold a Plank Pose to get ready. Save the tricky balance poses for later in your workout when your muscles are warm.


Final Thoughts 

Including these yoga poses for beginners helps in improving balance. The above-mentioned yoga poses will help even the newbie. Adding these poses to your daily routine will help you finally achieve more strength in your training. 

Yoga for weight loss – 12 Power Asanas to Reduce Belly Fat for Free

Yoga for weight loss – 12 Power Asanas to Reduce Belly Fat for Free

Kritika Bairagi | September 23rd, 2024

Yoga for weight loss – 12 Power Asanas to Reduce Belly Fat for Free : 


We all, at some point in life, become conscious about how our appearance is & our midriff contributes almost 70% to our physique. Fat developed in that particular area is termed as ‘Belly Fat’ which is one of the most concerned areas of our body leading to psychological distress like; reduced confidence and self-esteem. Adopting Yoga for weight loss is a powerful way to began a new healthy life.


Index :


  1.  Introduction
  2.  Understanding Abdominal Fat Causes
  3.  Remedial Measures
  4.  Health Care Recommendations
  5.  Power of Yoga for Weight Loss
  6.  12 Yoga Asanas for Belly Fat
  7.  Nutrition and Lifestyle Advice
  8.  Online Yoga Life Teacher Training
  9. Conclusion



‘Belly Fat’  is not just a problem related to appearance, but also a severe health condition (See what Harvard Health says about: Abdominal fat and what to do about it). Excessive abdominal fat greatly increases your risk for diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. In this blog, we will read further about the causes of belly fat, common treatments, and how yoga can be an effective aid in reducing belly fat. Also, Yoga for weight loss is a powerful way to attach on belly fat.

We also will see how the online yoga teacher training that we offer, allows a graduate to attain such important therapeutic practices with the view of addressing the aspect.


Abdominal Fat: Understand the Risks and Causes;

Abdominal fat, or visceral fat, is distributed around organs in the abdominal region and, in most cases, a result of several lifestyle habits :


1. Diet: Consumption of high sugar, white carbohydrates, and saturated fats intake leads to fat accumulation in this body area.

2.Sedentary Lifestyle: Poor metabolism and failing exercise routine leads to the accumulation of excess fats.

3.Stress: The chronic stress level increases the level of cortisol, which contributes to central weight gain.

4. Hormonal Changes: A hormonal imbalance brought about by the menopausal period also leads to an increase in abdominal fat.

Whereas allopathic medicine always deals with the reduction of fat with the help of medication and surgery, however, lifestyle changes are always required. 

Remedial measures often include:



  • Dietary modifications like calorie reduction or developing a balanced diet
  • Physical activity – cardio exercises and strength training activities are highly important along with Yoga for weight loss.


Health Care Recommendations


1.Continue to Monitor Your Diet: Stay on good whole foods, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help digest and metabolize.

2.Manage Stress: Engage in stress-reducing activities on a daily basis, for example, mindfulness or yoga.

3.Routine Check-Ups: Keep your health metrics with your health provider.

The Power of Yoga for
Weight Loss and to Reduce Belly Fat 


Yoga for weight loss is a perfect way to burn belly fat and provide many health benefits as well. The practice of yoga encompasses physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), meditation, and lifestyle practices that promote weight loss and wellness.

A therapeutic approach to yoga is indispensable for our teacher training courses here at Online Yoga Life, which teaches students how they can apply this in practical ways to help others manage their weight effectively.


12 Power Asanas of
Yoga for weight loss & Burning Belly Fat 


1.Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)


How to Do: Lie on your stomach, place your hands under your shoulders and lift the chest up.

Strengthens the Spine and Abdominal muscles.

2. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

How to Do:
Lie on your stomach, bend your knees and take hold of the ankles and lift up your chest

Tones the organs in the abdomen and helps improve digestion.

3. Navasana (Boat Pose)

How to Do:
Sit, lean back slightly, lift your legs 45 degrees and look forward, with your arms parallel.

It effectively engages the core muscles.

4. Paschimottanasana

How to Do:
Sit with straight legs, reach for your feet, and bend forward.

Gives a stimulation to the digestive system.


How to Do:
Stand on your legs together by bending the knees and lifting your arms.

It strengthens the thighs and core.

6. Adho Mukha Svanasana

How to Do:
Start on hands and knees, lift your hips up in the air and straighten out your legs.

Tones the abdomen and improves circulation.

7.Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

How to Do:
Stand with feet apart, reach one hand to the ankle while extending the other upwards.

It helps strengthen the obliques.

8.Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)

How to Do:
Sit, twisting your torso while keeping one leg crossed over the other.

Aids in detoxification and digestion.

9.Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)

How to Do:
Lie on your back, bend your knees, and lift your hips.

Stimulation of abdominal organs, stress relief.

10.Marichyasana (Marichi’s Pose)

How to do:
Sit with one leg straight and bend the other one. Twist towards the bent leg. 

Tones belly and flexibility.

11.Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath)

How to do:
Sit comfortably and take deep breath through nose, exhale forcefully through the nose.

more power in the abdominal region, facilitates digestion.

12.Savasana (Corpse Pose)

How to do:
Lie flat on your back, with arms and legs relaxed.

Reduces stress, promotes relaxation.


Nutrition and Lifestyle Advice


Along with Asana & Yoga for weight loss, a well-balanced diet also helps in shedding the belly fat by doing yoga:

1. Incorporate More Fiber:
Whole grains, fruits, and veggies can help control your hunger.

2. Cut Down Sugar and Refined Carbs:
Consume foods with natural sugar and complicated carbohydrates.

3. Healthy Fats:
Use avocados, nuts, and olive oil.

4. Portion Control:
Mindful eating will save you from overeating.

Online Yoga Life Teacher Training


Believing in holistic health, Online Yoga Life has designed a special module in the teacher training curriculum titled Yoga as Therapy. Students are trained to teach others how to use yoga for weight loss and in order to overcome belly fat and many more health-related issues, so the courses train future teachers to assist their students in achieving wellness through yoga, keeping the full practical application view of things.


Proper nutrition and effective exercise have to be set in moderation with the lifestyle in order to lose stomach fat. Yoga is the holistic way for weight loss and loss of unwanted flab, also helpful in building of mental and emotional well-being. Learn more about how you can apply yoga therapeutically and inspire others to healthier lifestyles as we explore in detail our teacher training courses offered here at Online Yoga Life.

*Remember that every small step counts towards your journey of health and wellness!

Look at embracing yoga for weight loss and see the transformation for yourself.

Have a great time!!

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