Hour 14 Ayurveda

Types of Kapha Dosha

hour 14 Online Yoga Life
1. Avalambaka Kapha

Location: It is located in the chest.


  • Supports area of conjugation of head with two arms by its inherent power
  • Support and maintain the structural and functional integrity of the heart by the power of nutrients present in food (annarasa)
  • It provides the basis for foundational infrastructure.
  • Supports other kapha sites by virtue of its watery nature and that is why it is known as Avalambaka Kapha.
2. Kledaka Kapha

Location: Stomach

Functions :

  • Liquefication and disintegration of food articles to facilitate easy digestion.
  • Supports the other Kapha sites through its inherent qualities.
3. Bodhaka Kapha

Location: Bodhaka Kapha is present or situated in the tongue (and also in the throat).

Functions: It enables taste perception. Taste buds are able to distinguish between different tastes by detecting interaction with different molecules or ions. Sweet, savory, and bitter tastes are triggered by the binding of molecules to the cell membranes of taste buds.

4. Sleshaka Kapha

Location: This is the type of Kapha that is located in all the bony joints keeps them strongly or firmly united, protects their articulation,n and prevents disunion.

Function: Maintains the structural and functional integrity of all joints.

hour 14 ayurveda 1 Online Yoga Life
5. Tarpaka Kapha

Location: Head

Functions: Due to the presence of natural qualities, it nourishes the sense organs.

In conclusion, the five types of Kapha Dosha—Kledaka, Avalambaka, Bodhaka, Tarpaka, and Shleshaka—each play a crucial role in maintaining the body’s stability, lubrication, and resilience. By ensuring proper moisture, support, and nourishment across different areas, Kapha provides the foundation for physical structure, immunity, and mental calmness. Balancing these subtypes is essential to prevent sluggishness, congestion, and other Kapha-related imbalances. Understanding each Kapha subtype’s unique function helps us adopt a lifestyle that promotes equilibrium, supporting overall vitality and a grounded sense of well-being.