Hour 8 Ayurveda

Tridosha Siddhanta

Hour 8 Online Yoga Life
  • To learn Ayurveda, understanding Tridosha is the first important step as Tridosha or Three humors form the most basic fundamental Principle in which the entire Ayurveda is postulated.
  • The word meaning –  ‘TRIDOSHA’ comprises two words ‘Tri’ meaning ‘three’ and ‘Dosha’ refers to ‘that which causes imbalance’.
  • They are capable of causing imbalance only when they move out of a given proportion which is unique to every individual as per the natural constitution or Prakriti. When they are in normal proportion or in a balanced state they maintain homeostasis or normal functioning of the body. Therefore Tridosha forms the key functional components of the body.
  • Therefore it is the Tridoshas that are primarily responsible for both health and disease.
  • The Tridosha are also made up of Panchamahabhutas as we have already seen that everything in the universe is made up of five great elements.
  • A combination of two Mahabhutas form the Tridoshas or three humors.
Enumeration of Tridosha :

The Tridoshas are:

  1. VATA – AIR (Vayu) + ETHER (Akasha)
  2. PITTA – FIRE (Agni)+ WATER (Jala)
  3. KAPHA – EARTH (Prithvi) + WATER (Jala)
Tridoshas Online Yoga Life
Importance of Tridosha (Dosha Mahatwa) :
  • The tridoshas are associated with us right from the period of conception in the mother’s womb to the time of fertilization. The embryo gets its share from the sperm of the father and the ovum of the mother.
  • These doshas at the time of conception are primarily responsible for the ‘Natural constitution or Prakriti’ of the individual which lasts till the last breath.
Location of Tridosha  (Dosha Mukhya sthana) :

The Tridoshas are present all over the body but their dominance is seen in specific parts of the body.

On a gross level the location of Tridoshas –

  1. VATA – Parts below the umbilicus
  2. PITTA – Parts between the Chest and the umbilicus
  3. KAPHA – Parts above the umbilicus
General understanding of Tridosha – Nature, functions, and imbalance :

1. Vata – Principle of Movement

  • Elements: Air and Ether
  • Qualities: Dry, light, cool, irregular, and mobile.
  • Functions: Governs movement, communication, and the nervous system. It influences respiration, circulation, and elimination.
  • Imbalances: This can lead to anxiety, dryness, constipation, and other disorders related to movement or nervous functions.

2. Pitta – Principle of Transformation

  • Elements: Fire and Water
  • Qualities: Hot, sharp, light, oily, and fluid.
  • Functions: Responsible for digestion, metabolism, and transformation processes in the body. It governs appetite, body temperature, and skin health.
  • Imbalances: Can cause inflammation, acidity, irritability, and conditions like ulcers or skin rashes.

3. Kapha – Principle of Nourishment

  • Elements: Earth and Water
  • Qualities: Heavy, slow, steady, solid, and cold.
  • Functions: Provides structure, stability, and lubrication. It governs immunity, bodily fluids, and tissue growth.
  • Imbalances: This can result in weight gain, lethargy, allergies, and respiratory issues.
hour 8 ayurveda 2 Online Yoga Life
Dosha dominanace (Dosha Pradhanyata) :
AgeOld ageYoung ageInferior / low-strength
Diurnal changes2 am – 6 am 2pm – 6pm10am – 2pm 10pm – 2am6am – 10am 6pm – 10pm
Digestion phase4 to 6 hrs2 to 4 hrs0 to 2 hrs
Agni (Appetite)Irregular (Vishama Agni)Increased/excess (Teekshna Agni)Low (Manda Agni)
Nature of GIT (Koshta)Drysoftnormal
Natural constitution (Prakruti)Superior/good strengthMediumSuperior / good strength
Seasonal changes (Rtu)RainyAutumnSpring
  • Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are Tridosha or three humors and they form the functional components of the body.
  • Tridoshas are made up of combinations of panchamahabhutas.
  • Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are primarily located below, middle, and above the umbilicus respectively.
  • In Ayurveda, the interplay of the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha significantly influences various physiological and psychological factors, including age, diurnal rhythms, seasonal variations, and appetite and digestion. Each dosha predominates during specific times, shaping health and well-being.